Our Philosophy

EcoDental upholds three core values that stand above the competition, and which were paramount to Dr. Bhende starting his own practice. These are to be Ecological, Economical, and above all Exceptional.

The first focus at EcoDental is to reduce common office supplies and strive for a more efficient “green” office. EcoDental keeps digital records for patients. A new patient can fill out the intake forms online from the comfort of their home. All X-rays are taken in a digital format. This eliminates the need for processing chemicals that are harmful to the environment. It also reduces the radiation while giving a great X-ray instantly. All our records and most insurance filing are done electronically. The exception would be with the insurance companies that are not set up for an electronic format. We subscribe to an electronic fax service that sends faxes via E-mail which eliminates unnecessary paper printing. We have signed up for electronic statements for banks, credit cards, laboratories, suppliers, and most other vendors. We also make our payments electronically to reduce sending paper checks in the mail. We recycle paper, plastic, and metal waste in the office. Any sensitive information is shredded and then recycled. We use energy-efficient lighting and a more energy-efficient use of our equipment. The result is an office which produces less than half the waste of other offices. We also use rechargeable batteries wherever possible. We support local businesses and strive to “Be Local and Buy Local”. This reduces the need for shipping while supporting the local economy. Our office is a smoke-free premise. We use reusable bags for grocery shopping. We take the philosophy of “Reduce, Reuse, and Recycle” to heart.

EcoDental set out to provide a more economical solution for dental care that could be accessed by anyone. The staff here at EcoDental can provide assistance in setting up payment options for competitively priced services. We offer payment plans through Care Credit. We will also help you to understand insurance benefits and can even help to maximize your insurance benefits.

Dr. Bhende also offers treatments for those in rough times at various health organizations including CCM, NCMOM, and the NC Baptists dental health clinics.

Affordability does not always mean a sacrifice in quality. EcoDental offers exceptional care for reasonable prices. We have a warm, friendly, caring environment and will help you to get through your visit as stress-free and comfortable as possible. If you are apprehensive about your appointment we can offer sedation to help you to relax. You may carry your iPod or a music device with headphones to reduce the dental sounds and help you to relax better. We can see patients from under 1 year to over 100 years old. We do most of the necessary dental procedures in our office to eliminate your need to go from one dental office to another.